How To Increase Search Engine Traffic By Adding Relevant Tags

This is very informative article which explains how to increase your search engine traffic by adding relevant tags to your blog posts. I think this is very useful information to all of us trying to attract visitors to visit our blogs.

If you have a blog or a website, you're probably like the rest of us - obsessed with traffic. Don't get me wrong, there isn't anything wrong with that, in fact traffic is essential if your online business is going to make it. One step missed by many new bloggers is tagging their posts and articles properly.

When a blog fails to tag articles, they are sacrificing links that are nearly automatic. Technorati and other blog search engines list all of the entries and posts that are tagged with each tag and they also link to each post. This means that by simply tagging each post a blog or site can get quite a few extra links.

Tagging your posts properly consists of a few simple steps. You will first need to decide which category you want to tag each post or article with. You should ask yourself what keywords you're trying to target with your post - those are the words you want to use for your tags. The next logical step is to make sure that all of the keywords you want to target are listed in the post or article.

Once you have the words in the article, you're ready to tag. Make a tag for each keyword that is relevant to your article. You may be tempted you use tags that aren't relevant to your posts. Don't give it because tagging with non-relevant tags can get you banned from blog search engines, which will result in not getting any links at all.

If you don't have any idea which tags you should use, you should go to Technorati to look around. Find other sites like yours and take a look at the keywords they're tagging their posts with. Highly ranked sites will probably tag their articles properly so make sure to watch what they do.

Hopefully those of you that don't have blogs are still here, because you can tag your writing as well. You can also ping your site even if you don't use a blog.

Over time, tagging your posts with relevant tags can really increase your search engine traffic. People will be able to find you more easily in blog search engines, and eventually the increased linking will result in your site gaining improved rankings in regular search engines.

Keep in mind that tagging is a very important aspect of web development, but there are a lot of other factors that can make tagging more effective. Building the links and authority of your site can make the tagging work a lot better.

Overall, tagging is very important and you're probably losing some business if you aren't doing it.

Author of this article is Courtny Tuttle. Courtney helps others to make money online by writing articles on internet marketing ideas and online business.
