Yamaha Piano Facts

I have written a page of information that is designed to dispel some myths associated with Yamaha Piano sales. You can view the page below:
Yamaha Piano Facts

If you have any questions just drop me a line, I'll be happy to help.
Mark of Royton for Yamaha Piano and Kawai Piano sales. See the Yamaha U3 page for special interest.

Yamaha Piano Tips

I have made a "Yamaha Piano tips" page that contains useful information regarding Yamaha Piano Cabinets and brasswork. Hopefully I will be adding more cabinet-related information to that page over time, but for now, that is all it contains.

As ever,
signing off
Pianos for Sale in Royton. I recommend the Yamaha U3 and the Yamaha U1 upright pianos.

Yamaha Piano Guide

I've just made a Yamaha Piano guide that deals with some important aspects of buying a used Yamaha Piano. I recommend the reading material contained within it. Much of which can be found at my other Yamaha U3 and Yamaha U1 pages. Or just go straight to my Yamaha Piano page for the full story.

that's all for now
Mark from Royton
