ADSENSE TIPS - Basic Idea To Increase Adsense Profits

This article contains a couple of basic AdSense tips every AdSense Publisher should know about.

Author of this article is: Shawn Lim

BASIC IDEA TO INCREASE ADSENSE PROFITS Before you start making money from Adsense, there are a few basics idea that you need to know and apply them so that your Adsense CTR will increase (if you're new in Adsense, then you might read about Adsense Terminology here). These are no big secrets, they are just some free tips that you will need in order to boost your Adsense revenue. So don't get fooled and pay for these tips here.

1. Use large rectanlge block for your Adsense ads in your website or blog. This large rectangle block ads has ben proven to be the most effective type of ads and generate the most CTR. Therefore if you're not using this then your're not maximizing your Adsense profits.2. Blend your Adsense ads layout and colour to match with your website or blog's background colour. Use the same colour for both your website template and ads. This is to avoid your ads for being too attractive in your site, so that 'ads blind' visitors may click on them.3. As for your Adsense ads link title, you can change the colour to be the same with your post title. Make it looks like it is one of your posts. You can use blue colour for your ads link title too, this is because blue colour indicates link in most websites.4. Don't put all of your eggs in a single basket. This also means that the more websites or blgos you have, the better. If you want to concentrate just in a single website or blog, it will be fine, but you will need huge amount of traffic to generate big money for Adsense. For example, you can have a site that generate $25, or do you want to have 10 sites that generate $5 each site. Sometimes quanity does plays an important role.5. There is no need for you to write your own original content, you can use other people's content which are ranked high in search engines. However, you must do this correctly or else you'll get banned by search engines.These are just a few basic tips that you need to know. These basic ideas definately will help your increase your Adsense profit, but they will not separate you from others, they will only help you start you to get started. These are no secrets, so spend on the information that everyone had known.

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Web 2.0 Template

Web 2.0 Templates
I recently created Web 2.0 Template for another project but changed my mind and decided to put this template on my blog for free download.

Template is 100% XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS Valid.

This Web 2.0 Template is very simple and easy to customize and can be used for various projects.

Template has three columns. Navigation bar is positioned on the top and main content is on the left. Right or centre column can be used for placing more links or to insert your Adsense code or some another ads.

This is an open source template and is released and distributed under Creative Commons 2.5 licence. You are free to use this template in any way you like. All I ask for is that you leave the web site design credit links in the footer of this template intact. Thank you for downloading.

Click here to dovnload Free Web 2.0 Template

How to Find the Best Cheap Dedicated Hosting Server Web

You came across this article because you are looking for the best cheap dedicated hosting server. There are several different types of hosting plans (IE: shared, dedicated, co-location, and reseller hosting).

One type of hosting is reseller hosting where the provider offers web server storage space to third party at a discounted price, who again resell it to his own customer. Normally resellers include web consultants like web designers, developers or system Integration Company who after charging commission which is even upto 50%(taken as discount) can resell the web hosting. Resellers can set up their own hosting company and can decide for their own pricing structure with establishing their own branding.

In case of reseller hosting for reseller's customers, the reseller is the web host provider. When some technical problem arises like down server or any access problem then in that case the resellers have to settle all with actual web host provider. However this is not the effective way as it leads to unnecessary waste of time due to various channels involved in the communication process like first customer contacts reseller and then reseller contacts actual web host provider and same is with the response it also comes back from the same process, so the problems pertains for a long time. Thus reseller hosting is not considered a good option unless user is having his own personal website or he is having an alternative for poor support from reseller.

Now with growing competition market is having abundant of resellers who are selling their services at a very low price. Due to this and other factors like even some web-hosting providers provide their own toll free numbers to their resellers for co-branded technical support, this makes the decision more difficult to choose which is the right choice.

Thus it is more important to act wisely and to not get attracted with marketing techniques employed by resellers like professional outlook of their website and other strategies like proving technical support in their own name which is actually provided by the provider and not by them but they tend to present it in such a way that they are providing that support.

Thus considering all these facts it can be concluded easily that due to a minute difference of several dollars one must not get struck in the web of resellers and must go for best facilities instead of getting harassment afterwards.

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AdSense Ready Website Template 014

I have just created another Adsense Ready Website Template for you to download for free.

Template is SEO Friendly and is very simple to customize.

There is a horizontal navigation bar on the top and vertical navigation bar in the left column. There is also a couple of "placeholders" where you can inseret your Adsense Code.

This AdSense Ready Website Template is 100% XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS Valid.

This is an open source template and is released and distributed under Creative Commons 2.5 licence. You are free to use this template in any way you like. All I ask for is that you leave the web site design credit links in the footer of this template intact. Thank you for downloading.

Click here to download AdSense Ready Website Template.

How Much Can I Expect to Make Using Adsense

Many people begin their online business with the mistaken notion that they can make hundreds, or even thousands of dollars each month by using Adsense. And most of them learn very quickly that it doesn't happen that way. Of course, we have all heard the hype about the guy who started a site last week and is drawing millions of hits. It's reported that he is making a five figure monthly income. Although I'm sure this happens on occasion, it is not the norm.

Adsense income is like any other aspect of your Internet business, it takes time to build traffic to your site and as traffic builds, so will your Adsense income. In order to maximize your Adsense revenue, you've got to include lots of fresh content to build traffic. I include twenty to thirty different articles along with an RSS feed. Each article resides on it's own page within the site. On each page, display the maximum number of ads that Google allows. They currently allow three ads per page.

Make sure that you give your Adsense links a prominent place on each page. Do not bury them at the bottom of the page. Be creative, add some intermixed into the middle of your content and place one at the top. But remember, do not use more than is allowed.

In addition, you've got to add fresh content regularly. On a monthly basis, I replace articles that received few page views with others that I think may do better. A good stat counter can provide you with this information.

Even using the techniques above, you will not get rich overnight. But, with a good marketing strategy, your Adsense income should increase steadily over time.

Many people ask me about free marketing methods to increase traffic and Adsense revenue. One technique involves writing articles. Write at least one article each day and submit it to the largest twenty-five article directories. The more articles that you submit, the more success you will see. Submitting three articles per day is much more productive if you can write with that kind of volume. Every article you write should be related to the content provided on your site and each article should contain between 400 and 500 words. Make sure that you include an enticing link to your site in the resource box.

But how much can you expect to make from Adsense by marketing with articles? Again, it is not a sprint, it is a marathon. As a very rough rule of thumb, you can expect to make about $.20 (that's twenty cents) per month (yes, that's per month) for each article you write. If you've written 10 articles, you can expect to make about $2.00 per month if your site is nicely optimized for Adsense income.

By the time you've written 100 articles, you can expect to make about $20.00 per month. As you can see, you won't get rich quickly using this method. However, by using traffic building techniques in addition to article marketing, you can increase your Adsense revenue very nicely. So, what are you waiting for, get busy!

Want to start making money?

Real Estate Website Template 013

real estate website template
I have been bussy for quite some time so that's why I didn't made any new template for this blog since October.

This time you can download for free simple two column SEO friendly website template that is suitable for real estate company but can be used for number of other projects.

Template has two columns, two horizontal navigation bars, header and footer. Sidebar is on the right.
This Real Estate Website Template is 100% XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS Valid.

This is an open source template and is released and distributed under Creative Commons 2.5 licence. You are free to use this template in any way you like. All I ask for is that you leave the web site design credit links in the footer of this template intact. Thank you for downloading.

Click here to download real estate website template.

Design your Website SEO Friendly

Design your Website SEO friendly, Everyone’s waiting to see your Business Website.

More and much folk around the reality are using the Internet, and the numbers are increasing mundane. The Internet has get the main origin of data for many, and because of that, network sites have to perpetually better the substance and picture of their network pages in decree to hold users involved in accessing their sites What are the measures that should be implemented by network designers in decree to have their sites more appealing to users around the reality? Here is a listing of issues that can be encountered in network pattern and the needed activity to be considered.

Availability of basic features

First, the Design pattern of a Website should be compatible to any browser. It should be capable to give HTML and CSS proof tests. Second, network sites should be capable to provide to disable users. This won't be a trouble as long as designers cling to network standards. Third, the procedure of navigating a network place should be easy enough for all users. No user likes to see an original place, and so he or she has to see away how to sail around it. Fourth, position bars should be accessible. It shows the destination of links as the pointer is being moved. The position of the new page is too displayed as it loads.

Appearance of the pages

There are four elements that take upward the show of a Website. They are the fonts, tone, artwork, and writing. Fonts are not just an issue of private orientation of the user and the architect. The main importance of font selection is that it affects how quick the users can learn the data being presented. Arial fonts are normally recommended over the Times New Roman and the Verdana.

When applying tone, it is significant that there is sufficient contrast between backdrop and foreground in decree for the substance to be legible. To attain maximum contrast, dark textbook against a light-colored backdrop should be used. Link colors should be established at basic settings. When it comes to artwork, bear in psyche that some pages go overly overloaded because of the consumption of overly more images.

As often as potential, consumption artwork simply to back the substance being presented to users. A plenty of folk really have the trend to close away the images when browsing for data.

Web designers should remember the distinction between writing for the web and writing for print. Web content should be short and straight to the point.

Site performance

There are three factors that decide the whole operation of a network place. These are velocity, tables, and connections. Since everyone is hankering for much bandwidth, the better that designers can make is to avert the utilization of pattern that will go upward overly often bandwidth, because not every user has approach to tight Internet connections. To avert making the place seem like it takes always to download, avert loading putting an entire page inside a board.

Instead, divide the page into several tables. Web designers should not obscure a page with overly more items for the easy cause that each item requires a distinct browser for the entire page to be downloaded.

The occurrence of bugs

The happening of bugs of class, no one wants to get bugs in his structure. To avert this, system textbook should be establish upward with comparative font sizes. One has to regard that there are users out there who have impoverished eyesight, and they would care to adapt the font sizes through their private settings in decree to learn the textbook more understandably. The comparative value recommended for this would be:

Font-size: -1
font-size: 100%

In lawsuit of URLs, it should be easy and brief, containing no punctuation or spaces. Users should be capable to duplicate an URL and glue it into email content without it being wrapped in dual lines. To avert asleep links, redirects should be established, in decree to avert the breaking of bookmarks and links. Web designers should have certain that navigation features will be existing at all times, whatever the size of the window the user is using. Browser windows should be maximized when applying pattern, because not every user will be surfing the Internet in a maximized window.

For More Details visit:

Bid Directories: An Exciting New Way to Buy Text Links

Bid-for-position web directories, or simply "bid directories", are an exciting new way to buy text links. As the name suggests these directories allow site owners and visitors to bid for a higher position in the listings. Traditional web directories, by contrast, list links by some predetermined criterion, such as alphabetical order, Google PageRank, listing date, and so on. Bid directories allow people not only to bid for a top position but also to increase their bids as needed to maintain the position.

Why buy text links? A site without links is like a business in the middle of nowhere. Links are the electronic roads that connects your site with the rest of the world. If "location, location, location" is the mantra for a building a successful brick-and-mortar business, then "links, links, links" should be one for a successful website. Besides being a source for direct traffic, text links help drive traffic to a site indirectly by increasing a site's rankings in search engine results.

Although natural links, i.e. links placed voluntarily by other webmasters to your site, are preferable to purchased ones, it may not be practical to rely on natural links alone, especially for a commercial site that competes with countless others offering similar products and services. Unless your site is truly unique and useful to people, a category to which most sites do not belong, buying links may be your best option to increase your link popularity.

The rules for buying text links on bid directories are similar to those on other sites. Simply put, you should buy links in a way that simulates natural linking. Your link profile looks more natural when your inbound links come from directories with a range of Google PageRanks (PR). Although there is natural tendency to target only high-PR directories, a link on a promising new bid directory, which may or may not have a PageRank, can be a good investment down the line. Besides, PR means nothing to other search engines, including Yahoo!, MSN, and AOL.

Perhaps the most important factor for deciding whether or not to buy a link on a certain bid directory is how aggressively it is marketed. The first question to ask is, how many other sites link to the directory in question? But marketing goes beyond the sheer number of inbound links. The next question to ask is, where are the links are coming from? You can get an idea of a site's link profile by querying "" (without the quotes) on Yahoo!. While inbound links from competing bid directories is certainly one way to build links to the directory, it should not be the only way. The directory's links look more natural when they come from diverse sources, including article directories, social bookmarking sites, blogs, and forums.

The Google PageRank of a directory is often a good indicator of how aggressively it is marketed, but PR could also be one of deception. For instance, an unscrupulous webmaster might replace the content of an existing PR-7 site with a potentially more lucrative bid directory and market it as a "PR-7 bid directory". A tell-tale sign that this has occurred is when the domain name of the directory has nothing to do with web directories or search engines. Another good sign is when its category subpages are PR-0 or do not have PRs at all. That is not even to mention the many ways bogus PRs might be obtained.

Most bid directories are made from commercially available scripts customized to the siteowners' tastes. The level of customization is indicative of the directory owner's effort to stand out from the crowd and often their commitment to do whatever it takes to make their site succeed. So, all else being equal, it's better to go with a bid directory with a highly customized design than one that looks like a hundred others.

Many bid directories categorize links alphabetically by the first letters of their titles, as a telephone book lists people's names. These directories are not particularly useful to visitors looking for sites on a particular topic, say gardening. Visitors should not have to click on every letter from A through Z to find sites pertaining to gardening. Considerable time would be saved if the sites were categorized by topic, e.g. "Home and Garden", rather than the first letter of their titles. More importantly, links that are grouped with others of similar content are viewed as more relevant by the search engines than those grouped with unrelated sites. As an advertiser, you'll get more for your money from a directory that sifts sites into topical categories than one that uses alphabetical categories-- all else being equal.

Let me end this article with a word of caution. While bid directories should be a part of your link building campaign, don't put all your eggs in one basket by relying too heavily on them. There is a bit of a novelty factor in bid directories, and no one knows whether they will set a new trend in advertising or eventually die down as another fad.

Oudam is the webmaster of, a bid-for-position web directory that allow site owners and visitors to bid for one of the top 15 position in each category. The top 15 links of all categories are prominently displayed on the home page. employs a winning marketing strategy that puts 80% of link revenues back into promoting the site.

Oudam Em
Oudam is the publisher of, a free online article directory providing quality re-printable content.

Adsense, Adwords Pay Per Click Services, The Difference

AdSense How To

Can you make money with Google AdSense? AdSense is for people who own a website or BLOG and put those ads you see on their own web site to make money. The ads you see all over the Internet on web sites, are people who put those ads on their web sites in hopes to make a lot of money from Google, Yahoo, MSN and others when people click on them.

Some BLOG services do not allow you to post AdSense. Some will let you put one set of articles on your web site. Google allows three (3) per page. For example, you will see some sites with a tall skyscraper ad, then a horizontal ad, or just some text ads, placed in different areas on the page. That doesn't mean you should put three on each page if it will hinder from your content or look and feel of your page for the user.

It is also very important to customize each ad to make sure it blends in with your page. It should look natural. Statistics have shown the blue link, black text, and light grey URL ( link convert the best. The horizontal ad toward the top, center of the page, looking like it is part of your page also converts to people viewing it and clicking on it most.

Critical point - you must spend time placing new, fresh, unique articles on your web site or BLOG at a minimum of two times per week. Do not use articles more than once.

AdWords Strategy

Google AdWords are the ads you see at the very top (light blue portion) of the search engines on Google and their partners search engines; i.e.,, This includes the right-hand side text ads you see when you type in a search query like, "used cars san diego." Whenever you see Sponsored Links and you click on those ads, companies are paying for it. Sometimes the cost is outrageous, but depends on many factors.

There are also banner ads, image ads, and video ads, but we are going to focus our discussion on the text ads which is most widely used.

Google AdWords accounts are set up for web site owners who want a lot more traffic because 1) their own site is not search engine optimized well for free (organic) traffic, or 2) they are smart and want to use a different avenue of media (form of advertising) on the Internet to capture more business. Every web site cannot attain organic (free) traffic rankings for every single keyword. So using AdWords for the other targeted words people use to search for will grab the rest of the market.

Be forewarned, there are many new companies popping up on the Internet who say they "specialize" in setting you up with a "highly optimized" account, and all you get is a list of many keywords that give you a lot of clicks at high prices, but no conversions (sales).

Dating Website Template 012

dating website template

I have just uploaded new Dating Website Template for visitors of my blog to download for free.
Template has two columns, heder and horizontal navigation bar. There is a search box in the left column.
Template is XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS Valid.
This free dating website template is SEO friendly and very easy to customize.

This is an open source template and is released and distributed under Creative Commons 2.5 licence. You are free to use this template in any way you like. All I ask for is that you leave the web site design credit links in the footer of this template intact. Thank you for downloading.

Click here to download dating website template.

Search Engine Optimization: The Source To Online Success

The revolution in the field of information technology has brought about a huge change in our day-to-day life. Today instead of going out for shopping, you will find people staring from the busy professionals to the hassled homemaker to the impossible teenager checking out things they want to buy online. Things have become so easy that today all one needs to do is click a few buttons and all that they want will be delivered to them without any worries. One just needs to have an access to a computer that is internet enabled and everything can be taken care of without any issues. Though the internet revolution is the major factor for making this possible, search engine optimization is the major component in making this possible for everyone. Search engine optimization has in fact come up with many innovative methods which have made things easy for online business owners.

Search engine optimization is nothing complicated, but some methods through which an online site can become popular on the web. See there are so many sites on the web today and that is why you need to make sure that customers come across your site with ease. Searching for anything on the web takes a lot of time and that is why we have different search engine to assist us in this tiresome work. So if your site is visible at the top of the search results in all the major search engine customers will easily find your site and but goods form there. Now search engines have certain criteria based on which they assign rankings to online sites. Through search engine optimization you can make your site rank at the top of these search engines.

Search engine optimization work requires a professional touch and it will be better on your part if you get a professional to handle the work for your site. Professionals who work in the field of search engine optimization are perfectly trained in making a site just as search engines want to see them. You must remember that search engine do not view and receive a site like we do and so it is important to make certain changes in the site so that search engines receive them perfectly. Search engine optimization specialists know what latest innovations are happening in the world of search engine optimization and that is why they know exactly what changes needs to be made in a site so that they attain a higher rank in search engines.

The first thing that any search engine optimization specialist will do with an online site is that he will make changes in the design so that search engine spiders find it easy to crawl the entire site. In addition, the site will need to have keyword rich content to attract the search engine spiders and for this, you need to ensure that you have writers who can do this tricky work for you. Just make sure that your site contains all the information that prospective clients may look out for. Remember if they do not get what they are looking for, they will immediately go to the next suite without wasting their time. So you must make sure that they get instantly what they are looking for.

Steve Waganer has specialization in Web Marketing. He is expert in Search engine optimization,Search engine marketing,Social media optimization.To get the SEO tips from SEO firm for your website to get high rank and top position in major search engines visit

Adsense Ready Template 011

adsense ready template
This morning I have created one more Adsense ready website template for you to download for free.
Template has two columns. One horizontal navigation bar is in the header section. Another vertical navigation bar is in the left column. There are four "placeholders" for your adsens code so you just have to insert it.
Template is 100% XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS Valid.
This Adsense ready website template is SEO friendly and very easy to customize - just add your text, images and insert your adsense code.

This is an open source template and is released and distributed under Creative Commons 2.5 licence. You are free to use this template in any way you like. All I ask for is that you leave the web site design credit links in the footer of this template intact. Thank you for downloading.

Click here to download Adsense Ready CSS template.

A Few Easy Tips to Enhance your Online Business

Many people do not have their affiliate programs set up the right way and the traffic they receive is poor resulting in poor sales.

Here we provide you with some easy to follow tips that will help you to enhance your online business and make a profit from it:-

You must Encourage the internet users who visit you to sign up for your program: This is main area where most people fail. They do not push their product adequately and they usually don't understand exactly what they need to do. What they should not be doing when they set up an affiliate program is that should not simply provide a link that says "click here to sign up".

You must understand that that is not enough to entice the user.

You need to hard sell your affiliate program. In order to hard sell your program you need to try to have a sales letter that explains to the users the benefits of signing up. You also need to tell them about their commissions and also how they can earn a living without having to create a product or service and by just having a web site and just by promoting your products.

You also need to give your affiliates marketing materials and resources to help them.

You need to provide your affiliates with marketing materials: Another important tip that you should follow. Site owners usually get users to sign up for their affiliate program and then just leave them to fight it out on their own. If you want to start earning big bucks, you need to do all the hard work or at least a good bit of it for your affiliates.

You need to provide your affiliate with email promotions, press releases, pay per click ads, banner ads and anything else that you can create which will enable people to promote your site to the masses with as little work as possible.

You also need to encourage them to become positive, the more work you do for them the more commission they will earn. Ultimately they work harder for you as it's now easy for them.

You should have an Affiliate Only Newsletter: Have an email list of only your affiliate and each week you should send out a mini blueprint on how they can market your products in order to earn a commission.

Keep them informed about new products that you've just launched or the new marketing materials that you've just added to your affiliate's area. Remember that doing so will not only make them feel like they are a part of the program but it will also be beneficial you in the long run because once they sell a few of your products; they will be enthusiastic about the idea of promoting all your products.

You can also start having a weekly completion. Each week the affiliate who earns the most gets some extra cash as prize money or whatever you want to give. Mention the winner in each week's news letter. Doing so will provide the much needed mental motivational push to your affiliates.

Psychologically you are motivating your affiliates and at the same time you promote your products like crazy to get recognition as being your "top gun". Ego trips are as motivating as money.

To sum up you need to :-

1. Encourage users to Sign Up
2. Provide your affiliates with marketing materials
3. Have an Affiliate Only Newsletter

Try this and you'll ultimately be able to create a hugely successful affiliate program and sell a truckload of your products without any real hard work or any costs.

Allen Thomason is an accomplished online marketer. To find more marketing tips to improve your business, ideas, tactics and other proven methods of successful internet marketing visit

Earn Cash With Adsense and Articles

This is one of the articles that everybody who want to earn money posting articles on there blogs should read. I think this article is very informative and useful.

The question regarding making cash using articles and Adsense has been asked numerous times. The unbelievers will tell you that it's not possible. If that were true, there would not be so many people earning a living writing articles for their Adsense sites.

In order to earn money with Adsense, you need to search for a profitable niche. When you are just beginning, you should pick a niche that you have some interest in. By doing this you will be more interested and it will not be quite as difficult for you to write your articles.

If you are interested in fishing, you could write articles about different kinds of fish, types of bait, type of lures, rods, reels, and the best locations for certain species.

When you become more comfortable writing articles you might then try a niche that is new to you. Use the search engines and do a search for whatever niche you want to try and research that topic. You might find that you have more of an interest in that topic than you thought.

When writing your articles, be precise, be informative, and by all means, don't tell people the same thing that everyone else is telling them. Make your articles new and captivating. Give people unique content. Don't write several articles and think that will be enough. You need to keep writing articles. You must keep your site full of fresh content. Don't forget to put your name and website address at the end of your article in the resource box. As you write informative articles, other websites may grab your article and publish it on their site or in their newsletter, thereby driving additional traffic to your site.

By keeping your content fresh and informative, the search engines will spider your site more often. Search engines look for new and unique content and will make numerous trips to your site if you keep adding new articles to it. The more often they visit, the higher in the ratings your website will go.

You also need to submit your articles to online article directories. Each directory has its own submission guidelines so be sure to check them out first. Make sure your resource box is included with the article when you submit it. Without this resource box, readers will not know who wrote the article or how to get more information from your website. More visitors will also help increase your search engine ratings.

When you join Google's Adsense program, Google will place Adsense ads on your site that are directly related to the topic that you are writing about. When a visitor clicks on one of the ads, you are paid for that click. The amount you are paid will depend on what the advertiser is paying for that ad and only Google knows that. The more traffic you get to your site, and the higher your click through rate (CTR), the more money you can earn.

It's not as hard as it may appear. The most difficult part is getting started and keeping the momentum going. It may take awhile for your site to get traffic. The most important thing is to keep submitted articles to your website.

If you wish, you can also post articles written by others as long as you include their resource box. Doing so can cause some visitors to transfer away from your site by clicking on the link in the authors resource box. But the good part of this practice is that the article still adds fresh content to your website which is always a good thing for your search rankings.

Author of this article is Rick Churchill. Rick has his own successful online work at home business. For online work at home resources, please visit his site at

Some Things To Consider When Developing SEO Strategies

When you begin the process of building your website there are many things you must consider. One of these is your SEO strategy. Hiring this service out to an SEO expert or company is certainly an option but is not the only option. There are many do-it-yourself SEO guides available on the internet. You can help your web page rank higher on search engines without going broke trying to pay for the service.

Some well documented and proven traffic generating SEO strategies include link building, article marketing, and other on and off site techniques as well. These strategies are really quite simple however may require a bit of research and tweaking before you begin to see your website showing up on the first few pages at the major search engines. Which is of course the goal of your entire SEO strategy.

One of the best SEO strategies that people who are in the know use is link building. You should keep in mind when using this technique that while it is important for a person to create links with other websites to make them visible, too many links can drop your website's score or rating with certain search engines. This will eventually lead to a website being relegated to pages further down in number rather than on the first 2 to 3 pages of these search engines. When targeting sites to try and get links from you want to choose sites that are related to your website. The prospective website should also have high enough rank with major search engines to help give your site a boost for being linked to them.

Another top traffic generating technique is the proper use of keywords in your content. These are word or phrases that online users enter when utilizing search engines to find information on the web. Make sure you use the keywords that are most appropriate to your content and site so online users find your web site easily.

How To Start and Internet Business With No Money

A couple of days ago I have found this article. I think there is a couple of useful information in it so I want to share it with readers of my blog.

If you have been wanting to work from home, the internet offers wonderful opportunities. You don't have to have a college degree, and you don't have to take out a loan and prepare a business plan to get started, and you DON'T NEED MONEY. I am a single Mom. I went into debt trying to start up several home based businesses that just flopped. I don't want that to happen to anyone else. I am developing a “follow-me” plan that anyone can do. If you follow me, I will succeed and you will succeed, we will be internet entrepreneurs.

Its really important that you see the BIG picture. The Search Engines are creating a huge market for businesses and little people to exchange information. The more information we exchange, the more powerful the Search Engine becomes and the more money is poured into the marketplace...its an amazing machine...simply, simply amazing. So, take your piece, play your part and make some money. is where I might lose you. The internet works with WORDS, the search engines look for WORDS, and people go to the search engines looking for these writing is a big part of your success. Writing, placing your writing, and using your writing as a billboard for someone else's writing. Sound confusing? Well, I can iron it out for you, and I won't even sell you an e-book.

1. The first thing you need to decide on is your expertise. What do you know a lot about? What do you have strong opinions about? If you could teach something, what would it be? Make a list, its okay if it eclectic...just write down some ideas.

Kick start your word program and start writing a few things. Are you good at sewing? Karate? Video games? Can you give dating advice? Are you a nutrition expert? Exercise? Building birdhouses? It doesn't have to be super-intelligent writing, but it should be genuine...just be yourself. Humor is good, and honesty is good.

2. Design a FREE website. There are tons of website hosts out there. I have mine at Freewebs. The cool thing is, you don't pay for a domain name, you can choose from hundreds of templates so you get the look you want and its EASY. Here are some other free website hosts: Zoomshare, Geocities and Bravenet Set up an account, follow the website tutorial, pick a template and start designing. Make it fun, pick a cool name for your website and take those articles you wrote and post them to your website as blogs. Now you are in business! These hosts often give you ideas and links to promote yourself in the administration area, be sure and take advantage of anything they have listed.

3. Open an Adsense, AdBrite or Bidvertiser account. This is FOUND money. These companies pay YOU to use your website as a billboard and it doesn't cost you a dime.

4. Now, you want to start directing traffic to your website. This is where the real work comes in. The idea of directing traffic to your website is to join the internet community. Experimenting with different websites, particularly websites that will help promote YOU. YOU ARE YOUR BRAND. You want to keep writing. Everything you write, post to your blog. Put away your credit card. DON'T PAY FOR ADVERTISING or SEO RANKING SERVICES. Don't do it! Period. I told you to put your credit card away and I meant it.

5. is a great way to get free traffic. When you open an account your website is listed in their referral program. They will give you a ranking in your category. For example, say in the “entertainment, general” section your website is ranked 20 of 1097. You can boost your rank to #1 or #2 just by visiting 30 websites, reviewing 5 of them and posting a forum question/answer. If you didn't understand what I just wrote...join Linkreferral, they explain it very well. The idea is to get a ranking of #10 or lower so more people will visit your site and review it. When YOU are reviewing sites, give a fabulous glowing review...this will encourage the website owner to take a look at your site and review you positively! I can't tell you how many people I have met through this service who have helped me out. I never would have gotten to this point without this service. You can update your ranking every 24 hours, I highly recommend you to do this!

6. Add a blogroll to your blog site. What is a blogroll? It is a way to link your site to other blogsites and get FREE traffic! Also since you have your website linked with other sites, your ranking improves on the Search Engines!

7. Join Yuwie! This is a social blogging website similar to MySpace, but you can earn MONEY by reading other peoples webspace and referring friends to do the same!

8. Create a lens with What is a lens? Well, a lens is like an article that shows your expertise in a subject. An article, but more tells the reader all the information you know about a certain subject. I have seen some BEAUTIFUL lenses on Squidoo, there are some really talented, knowledgeable people here. Be prepared to spend some time creating your lenses. They should be carefully thought out and have tons of information. Be impressive. You can create as many as you want...all for FREE. Remember, the idea is to bring the reader to your WEBSITE, so add your URL information!

Also, Squidoo will direct you to join Digg, StumbleUpon and De.lici.ous. Do it!

9. Write an e-zine. Once a month or so...send out a simple newsletter to your friends and family via e-mail. Tell them about your articles, your websites, tell jokes, send out a recipe...just say “hello” but let them know you are in business on the internet. Keep them updated, ask them to visit your sites and read your published work...they will be impressed and you will get free traffic.

10. Create a signature for your e-mails. All this means is to add a tag to every e-mail you send with your website information. Often times e-mails are “forwarded” to more people, and if your website information is there, it will automatically be sent to others. (FREEEEEEE!)

11. Find a free mentor. HA! Easy, right? Well, you are right, not many people are giving services away these days. There is a program called Mentoring for Free, and it is actually a tremendous service, you learn a lot about personal development through that program. However, (here is my personal tag)...I am here to help you. I have been around the internet block and I am a real person helping real people. I want to see families succeed, I want to see Mothers and Fathers at home with their children (if they want to be). I want to stop the hype, and the financial “bleeding” when it comes to starting a business. It is not necessary to go into debt, but it is necessary to work at your business no matter what it is. Go ahead and Google my name. Lisa Di Clemente. See what 6 weeks of writing has done for my search engine ranking. I did not pay ANYONE for this ranking. I did it all myself. I didn't work hard, but I worked diligently. I have time to homeschool my kids and pursue a singing career. I will mentor you...I will help.
If you have been wanting to work from home, the internet offers wonderful opportunities. You don't have to have a college degree, and you don't have to take out a loan and prepare a business plan to get started, and you DON'T NEED MONEY. I am a single Mom. I went into debt trying to start up several home based businesses that just flopped. I don't want that to happen to anyone else. I am developing a “follow-me” plan that anyone can do. If you follow me, I will succeed and you will succeed, we will be internet entrepreneurs.

Picking Great Keywords

To all those using Google AdWords to promote their products the concept of keywords is a sacred one. The effectiveness of their keywords in attracting business is often the deciding factor between success and failure.

An unsuccessful AdWords campaign can lead to hundreds of dollars in wasted advertising as their ads fail to draw in productive leads but still generate plenty of idle interest among the portion of internet browsers with little else to do but browse through the "Sponsored Ads" to see what there is to see.

What they don't know is that luck really has nothing to do with it and neither does careful research, in finding profitable keywords.

Yes, a quick glance at a search engine's database will show the keywords which generated the most business over an established period of time; however, these keywords are going to generate hundreds of pages of results due to their popularity and internet browsers are not going to look beyond the first five to ten. That means that anything on the remaining ninety pages is going to go unviewed.

It is evident that an ad must be among the first pages to be assured of some kind of success. What does that have to do with keywords? To be assured of their ads showing up on the first 5 or 10 pages, those very prime spots, a marketer will have to have one of the higher bids on that keyword.

That means that they are going to need to pay more for each time their advertisement is clicked than the people on the other ninety-nine pages if they wish for their ad to appear on the first page.

This may not seem like much, but when one takes the time to consider the fact that the advertiser is going to have to pay that sum each and every time that the ad is clicked, whether it generates a sale or not, the potential for lost advertising dollars is tremendous. Therefore, each ad is going to have to be as effective as possible in order to justify the amount of money being spent on it.

For each ad to be successful it is important that the keyword be as successful as possible.

An optimal keyword should be narrow enough so that it can narrow the field down (like "little league football" rather than "football") but you also want it to be broad enough that someone would actually search for it.

Anyone having difficulty selecting keywords for their advertisements can use any one of the vast array of tools available through Google's AdWords site,

By: Kirt Christensen

Kirt Christensen's dynamic flair in AdWords Management as he managed over $612,000 of annual ppc advertising for clients, has them raving about him!

Search Engine Optimization Google Style

While search engine giant Google has only been a player as one of the major search engines for less than a decade, it has become a goal of most webmasters to make sure that their pages are search engine optimization Google friendly so that they can achieve the best Google ranking possible.

Now, not only is Google a household name around the world, it has also moved into first place among major search engines and it wields considerable power in the lives of those who seek to make their living online.

Playing by the rules of Google SEO has become a real speciality for some marketers, and those who have gone against the rules have ended up losing significant business.

One of the reasons for Google's success, and their power in the search engine world, is that the founders set out to take on the major ones by focusing and refining the technology behind the Google search engine in order to better understand what the surfer was looking for and deliver better search results than their competitors.

There is no doubt that their master plan worked out and at this point Google searches account for more than 60% of all the searches done online, which means that the other major search engines share the other 40% of searches.

These numbers have certainly given Google the power to influence the search engine industry and given webmasters motivation to be sure to make search engine optimization Google style a top priority.

The primary way that Google compiles the results that they show when a search is done is by the use of "spiders" that go out and crawl the web. Two of the things that gets positive attention from the Google spiders are quality inbound linking and quality content.

For a good Google search engine optimization of your site, it will be helpful to have good quality links that point to your site from other relevant websites.

The weight of these links varies depending on the quality of the sites that link to you, if you have text links, as opposed to links off banner ads for instance, and also the quality of the text that surrounds your link, as well as the page rank of those sites.

Google also has a complex algorithm it uses to check the text of your pages to see if it is good, readable, quality content, or if is a mass of gibberish that is nothing more than a page full of keywords that don't even comprise full and complete sentences. Having good quality content that delivers value to the visitor is a primary key to search engine optimization Google style.

Some people will say that your meta description, title and keywords are of utmost importance to rank well with Google, and they might have been true in the past, but these things do not carry as much weight as they used to. Of course having appropriate keywords defined and a good meta description can't hurt, but more time should be spent on quality links and content.

Google also uses something they call Page Rank technology that measures the relative importance of a website based on an extremely complex equation that takes into consideration more than 500 million different variables.

Part of the analysis evaluates the quality of both inbound and outbound links and assigning a value, further complicating the search engine optimization Google uses to rank your site.

All is revealed about making your search engine optimization google friendly at Mike Selvon portal.

6 Steps to Start your Web Site Project

Regardless of size, building a Web site is similar to building a house. There are many decisions to make along the way, most vendors will try to sell the owners on more than they need, and if one is not careful, the project can end up costing more than anticipated. However, when executed properly, a marketer with little technical knowledge can step away with an effective and appropriate Web site for his/her industry by following a few simple guidelines.

Whether you’ve hired an external marketing firm to assist you with these steps or you’re working directly with a Web design firm, at a minimum the following guidelines should be observed when approaching a Web site project.

Identify Your Target Market

The Internet is so exciting we all want to jump on this gravy train and make things happen, but the cutting edge isn’t for every market, and some technologies may look cool but are useless to your mission. Taking some time to think about who you are targeting with your Web site, and how you would like to steer them towards doing business with you will assist you in identifying your goals and become a reference point for all subsequent decisions.

Examine your target market’s approach to the Web and your content.
The Internet provides a uniquely intimate experience in which the site visitor chooses the direction of the information in a non-linear fashion. The site visitor is not bound by pages in a book. S/he can only make decisions based upon the following:

1. What do I need?
2. What are the choices?
3. What is my past experience?

This means that regardless of how you usually consider your product or service offerings, it’s more important than ever to consider those items from the client perspective. Take time to think about how your various targets will approach your Web site – what information will they seek? Is this an existing client? A prospective client? What keywords will this person look for? What keywords are meaningful to that target group? What is their experience with the Web thus far?

Determine Goals and Strategies

After completing the above steps, then decide on some reasonable goals for your Web site. What tactics and strategies will you implement to meet those goals? For example, a goal might be to provide current departmental information on the Web site to keep prospective students up to date on the latest course offerings and department changes. A college may wish to encourage more teacher participation in updating the Web site, but other than providing them with the technology to do so, how will you inspire them and market to this group to make their involvement in the college feel interesting and not just another task? Some of these questions may get complex, and your project may slow down here because it’s not fun. However, more time in this area will enable you to save money in the long run and increase your satisfaction with the final Web site.

Get Buy-In

Bring all your decision makers together and let them know what you’re planning. Let them give you their input. If they disagree with some of your choices, you can back up your choices with something they don’t have – research. Your ideas are not based on feelings, they’re based on fact, and that’s powerful. However, the other stakeholders in the Web site might have some good ideas. Maybe they want to get increased benefit from the Web site, too, like an intranet, or automated email notification. Listen to these ideas and consider them carefully.

Evaluate Needs

Now that you know what you want your Web site to do, you can figure out what technology is out there to do it with. This will inevitably cause some revisions to the previous step, as creative vendors will inform you of applications and opportunities you may not have thought of before. That’s okay - you will not be led astray by the temptation of the super highway when all you needed was a 2 lane road. But you will be able to appreciate the input and take time to consider if this option fits your target market’s approach to your Web site.

Identify Vendors

If you’ve been diligent about the above process, it’s time to consider your vendors – which will be really easy to do now that you know what you need. Then it becomes a matter of comparing facts in a matrix – does company X provide this feature or not? At what cost? Then the choice is less about having lots of features and more about having the right ones that fit your goals.

Heather Jewell is the Manager of Planning and Administration of NuRelm. NuRelm is a Web software and services firm that focuses on helping non-technical professionals utilize on the Web to build business. For more information, please visit

Need Traffic For Your Website? Here Are Some Inexpensive Traffic Secrets

You have built a great website. Everything is set up and you are excited about your online presence. A day goes by, a week, then two,and your traffic is just trickling in one or two visitors at a time. Your excitement turns to woe. What went wrong? Having a great website with good products/service and having virtually no traffic is like throwing a big party and having no one show up. Use the following inexpensive traffic tips and you will see the results you want.

Before you do anything else, use a keyword tool to research the right keywords for your site. What keywords are your competition using? Make sure your site is content uses the keywords your niche market uses to search. This will do two things. It will help improve your ranking in the search engines for these phrases, and it will get you visible to those you want to visit your site.

Once you have done your keyword homework and have your site optimized, the next inexpensive traffic secret is to make sure to add fresh content to your site every 3 to 4 days. Again, this keeps you in the engines and in front of your prospects. This point is the most inexpensive and one of the most important aspects of improving and maintaining your search engine rankings. Remember, if people don't know your site is available they won't visit.

Start a blog about your niche market. Make sure to write fresh content at least once a week. Let your visitors comment on your content, or even add their own. This will keep visitors coming back to your site to see what is been added.

Another inexpensive traffic secret is to write and submit articles to articles directories. These article directories allow others to use your content as long as you are given credit for the article. Your signature file is always attached to the articles. In your signature file, youll place links with strong call to action to your site.

Regularly submitting articles to the ezine directories will increase links to your site and help you establish yourself as an authority in your industry. Just as with a brick and mortar business, you must make your presence known on the Internet.

Many think that banner ads no longer work generating traffic to websites. Just look at some of the more prestigious sites on the web...and you will see banner ads galore. Several directories list websites selling ad space. The fees will vary depending mainly on how many visitors the site attracts.

Getting your site listed in directories relating to your industry is another inexpensive way to bring traffic to your site. If you are targeting a local market, also make sure to get listed in local directories.

These few inexpensive traffic secrets consistently generate website visitors. Some of these strategies may take a few months to increase your traffic. Others such as banner ads will generate traffic almost immediately.

About the Author:

Srini Saripalli is a Technologist, Marketer & Entrepreneur turned Business Optimization Expert. Visit Success Engineer and get your FREE CD on how to plan your own business Success.

How To Build A Search Engine Friendly Web Site

There are many aspects in regards to search engine optimisation. There are on-page procedures such as optimising meta tags, titles, page copy, urls, alt tags and the like. We also know that another important aspect is off-page seo whereby a lot of time and effort is put in in order to obtain quality inbound links to your site. This normally takes the shape of directory submission, article writing and submission, competition analysis, social media marketing and blogging to name a few.

These are all crucial elements of search engine optimisation and are a major part of any seo specialists daily chors.

One element of SEO that can be easily overlooked is the building of a web site that is not only "user friendly" but also "search friendly". By "search friendly" we mean that the search engines can crawl and spider your site unimpeded which will enable it to extract all of your content and in turn index it within the search engines database. After all, what use is getting thousands of inbound one way links to your site, if your site is not user or search friendly?

There are a number of things worth considering when building a user and search engine friendly web site. They are:-

1. Use as much text as possible in the form of HTML - Search engines love plain text. They are not able to read images, video files, audio files or flash, so try to not use too much of these in your site design.

Another thing to consider is that some sites make users log in in order to view certain content or use a form to find content. Both of these are bad. Spiders/crawlers do not know how to log in to your site or fill out a form in order to find your content. So if you want your content to be indexed by the search engines, stay away from this. If you MUST do this, try to produce a snippet of the content to entice users to log in. That way the spider at least has something to chew on.

2. Make your urls understandable - This means creating urls such as mysite/how-to-bring-up-your-children and NOT mysite/children/article-09876R-YTUR-4tr. As you can see the first url is not only "user friendly" but is also "search engine friendly" meaning that the search engines read more meaning and relevance into this url than the second one. Dont forget also that if you were to copy the second url into an email, your signature or post on a blog etc it wouldnt be totally clear where the link was going. This cannot be said for the first url.

3. Structure your site well - This means making your site as flat as possible. Instead of structuring your site in way that means a user has to click 10 times before reaching their target make the content a maximum of 4 clicks away or less.

4. Design your site for users NOT search engines - As much as possible treat the search engines as if they were human beings manually scouring your site for content to index. If it is easy for humans to find what they are looking for on your site, logic says that the spiders will also find what they are looking for and index it. The more "speadbumps" you put in the way of spiders, the slower your site will be crawled and indexed(if at all).

5. Content is king - One of my favorite expressions which is so true. Great content has many benefits, after all, its what we are all after, even the search engines. The search engines job is to find "relevant" search data. When the search engine starts dishing out "irrelevant" results, thats the time when it is going to become out of favour with web users who will move onto another engine.

Having great site content has many benefits such as if your content is good and original, people will want to link to it and your site, so its a good way of building natural links which is something that google likes. If you write good genuine creative content on your topic you will start to become an authority in your chosen field meaning more links and brand/site awareness.

The more content you have the more opportunity you will have of inserting your keywords making it look as natural as possible to the search engines. Although keyword density is no longer a major factor with search engines, it is something that needs to be done.

Well, thats the end of this article with some tips on making your site not only "user friendly" but just as importantly "search friendly". It is something that can be easily overlooked especially as gaining backlinks is viewed as THE most important SEO practice at the moment.

Author of this article is Shawn Hickman. Get more information at Read more articles like this one at

Build Websites Easier With Premade Templates

To most people the process of building a web site remains somewhat of a mystery. This confusion probably stems from the fact that there is a cornucopia of web sites on the Internet. Even with wide variety of sites, every single one can be divided into two sections: front-end and back-end.

The front-end is the first thing that it is designed. It encompasses the look and feel of a web site. This is probably the most established part of the web site production process. Design has been around since Gutenberg printed his first bible. Much of what has been used in print media (especially art magazines) has transferred to the web.

Most well thought out web sites start off with sketches on paper. We like using the big huge box of crayons, the one with the crayon sharpener built in. Most of the colors in the "big box" are pleasing to the eye and are web friendly. If you use begin paying attention to sites you'll notice that only a few colors are actually used, 256 to be exact. Only about 100 of those won't give you a headache when you look at them. On request we will give these early designs to a client that wants to control the look and feel of their site. The site, of course, never ends up looking like the early designs. The same idea and concept is there but because of restrictions colors and whole images are lost.

This brings us to the next part of the front-end, the actual site creation. This is what many people view as the most important, which is what separates a professional looking site from an amateur one.

The images are created using products from across the board. Mainly, designers stick to industry standards like Photoshop and Illustrator. After getting the basic image in terms of proportions and size the designer should create the static HTML page.

This is the basic page you would see if you viewed the page source. This is one of the most rewarding, most hated and most tedious part of the web design process. Each browser displays a page differently. Sometimes we build a different site for each, trying to maintain the same layout.

That concludes the front-end section. Personal sites and some small business sites stop here. While this maybe acceptable today, tomorrow any web site hoping to attract and keep visitors is going to have a strong back-end.

There are many sites and website designers that offer premade templates, these have the entire graphical layout that a page needs.

For those with little or no experience with website design software, templates have quickly become a practical solution to professional website design. Most of the top end sites offer a huge selection of very impressive, easy-to-edit website templates. All you have to do is check your email containing the link to download the .zip file. The html in these templates is compatible with Adobe GoLive, Macromedia Dreamweaver and Microsoft Frontpage. The major advantage is the price, they run anywhere from $20 to $70. Another great advantage is you don't have to hire a web designer, who usually takes 1 to 2 weeks to produce a page of such high quality. Webmasters, either novice or expert, can easily save thousands of dollars on design fees by using website templates.

Author of this article is Alex Marias.

There are also some exception sites, such as that provide packages of templates at one price, instead of providing a different price for each template.

42 Points to Make More Money With Adsense

1. Remember: Adsense doesn't make you money; traffic makes you money
2. Write posts that link to good content on higher-ranked sites in your niche. If your traffic is low, click on those links yourself - webmasters will take notice.
3. Post on forums in your niche and add your site to your signature
4. Submit articles to article directories
5. Use Technorati Tags
6. Submit your best articles to Digg and
7. Comment on other blogs with similar themes to yours
8. Become a regular on several similarly-themed blogs you like
9. Use Google Sitemaps
10. Write about well-known people in your niche
11. Use a blogroll, but only add sites that you would really recommend. Less is more.
12. Read Gogsense
13. Remember: Good content + good advertising = traffic
14. Choose a niche you’re passionate about
15. Post/write an article/add content every day
16. Make your content unique and useful
17. Be timely: break news, comment on new information, become a valuable source of interesting new stuff
18. Be yourself. If you’re funny, be funny; if you’re not, don’t try to be. Be confident that your personality will draw like-minded readers.
19. If you can’t think of anything interesting to post about, find something interesting to post about.
20. If you can’t find anything interesting to post about, keep looking.
21. You just read something interesting that has nothing to do with your site’s theme. Find a way to make it relevant. Use it as an example or integrate it into a story. Use it.
22. Read Copyblogger, and Problogger
23. Remember: Traffic + Adsense = Money - So don’t get kicked out
24. Read the Adsense TOS and don’t break it
25. While you’re at it, read all the Adsense guides Google provides
26. Do NOT encourage readers to click Adsense ads
27. If you’re placing a picture specifically to subtly draw attention to Adsense Ads, make sure the ads are clearly distinguished from the image (borders or a line between the two)
28. If you’re unsure if your ads comply with the Adsense TOS, ask them for a review
29. Better yet, design your ad concept on a hidden page and have Google review it first
30. Remember: Traffic + Adsense optimization = More Money
31. Study the Google Heat map
32. Place site-relevant pictures near your ads
33. Color images are often better than black-and-white
34. Animations are lame
35. Integrate your ads with your site design
36. Place ads between blog posts
37. Place ads in blog posts
38. Consider borderless Adsense ads
39. Use wide ad formats
40. Be Patient: Time, trial and error are what you need to succeed
41. Give your Adsense implementation a few weeks (at least) before drawing any conclusions
42. Use channels. You are going to want to know which ads are being clicked and which aren't.

Free Business Website Template 010

One more free CSS template is available for download on this blog.
This template is 100% XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS Valid. Template has two column with horizontal navigation bar on the top of the right column and vertical navigation bar in the left column. Tableless CSS Contact form is also in the left column.
Template is SEO friendly, simple and easy to customize.
You can download and use this template as you wish only thing I ask is to leave link back to this blog in the footer area of the template intact.

Click here to download this free CSS template.

Working with Web Site Templates

The quickest way to get your own site online is to use a web site template. You will find however that these come in varying qualities.

You basically have a choice of free or premium templates and the difference in quality can be extreme.

Free templates

Carrying out a quick search for 'free web site templates' in Google returns over 129 million results. It is important to realise however, that almost any template you get for free is either going to be very amateurish or there will probably be some annoying conditions of use. These may include having to link back to the designer's web page from your site, adverts that you cannot delete or restrictions such as not being able to use the design commercially.

If you're really set on getting a free template however, a better way of doing it is to use the ones that come free say, from your hosting provider or HTML editing program. Alternatively you could look at the world of blogs. WordPress for instance, has some very good looking, functional templates.

One last point – do not expect to have a unique site if you use free templates. There are likely to be literally hundreds of other sites online that found the same free template that you did.

Premium templates

Things start to look up when you investigate the realm of premium templates. The idea behind these is that a team of professional designers are paid to produce quality templates that are sold many times over thus enabling the supplier to offer them at a low cost. Much like you would buy wallpaper.

This has benefits for both customers and designers alike. Designers can do what they do best – designing good looking web site templates and not have the distraction of dealing directly with customers. Customers on the other hand get a professionally designed site, speedy service, can see the goods straight away and don’t have to pay expensive daily rates for unique designs. In fact most template shops offer instant download following purchase.

The only drawback from the customers point of view is that their particular design will not be unique, although in practice, this isn’t really a problem due to the sheer number of sites on the web.

Exclusive Templates

If you really want exclusivity most resellers will offer you a separate price to purchase the template as a unique design. Once sold to you the template is immediately withdrawn from sale.

The best template shops offer you a bespoke design service. This typically takes the form of buying one of their templates on a regular or exclusive basis following which you can ask their designers to make alterations to the template. This is to tailor it more to your specific needs which also has the desirable effect of achieving exclusivity at the same time. This is a very cost effective method of web site design.

Author of this article is Trevor Sadowski. Trevor has been building web sites for a couple of years now and has tried various methods to speed up the process. In order to help others Trevor has created a site that offers help and advice on how to build a web site as well as offering free and premium templates of the best quality, free graphics, buttons and other web site components.

The Best Website Traffic Is Free Website Traffic

Are you looking to generate more website traffic to you site? If you are the internet has a variety of available options and some are even free. Yes free and we all know that the best website traffic is free website traffic.

Don’t get me wrong, there are many companies willing to take your money in order to try and increase the traffic to your site. If you don’t have the time to do it yourself, that may be just what you’re looking for. If you do have the time to learn, the best way to go is to generate traffic to your site for much, much less or even free.

One of the current trends in generating traffic to websites is with a blog. Most successful business sites have a blog and it is becoming a necessity for successful online businesses. In some cases business even hire writers to generate unique content for the blog. The blog can show clients a small taste of what your company has to offer so keep it interesting.

Search engine optimization is another way to get free traffic to your site. You will need to know how they work so you might have to study up. If you are willing to do some experimenting, you may not need to hire an expert. Optimize your site so the search engines can easily see what is there. Add fresh and interesting content so the web community finds value in your site. This should generate links to your site and to get additional links, get listed in quality web directories.

If you want free traffic to your website you need to have a good site with relevant and unique content. Your site should be easy to use and navigate while providing unique content for visitors. If your site is not attractive to visitors, no one is going to visit more than once. Provide a good site with good content and a good product. Generate links to your site for visitors to find you, your traffic will climb and with it the success of your website.

Some links to your site will come naturally if your site has good content. Most businesses augment those natural links with well placed links in quality directories. Quality directories market to bring traffic to their sites. That traffic can easily search the categories to find the exact business they are looking for and follow the link to your site. Marketing online is about giving potential clients as many paths to your website as possible so they can find you.

Google AdSense – A Massive And Passive Income?

This article show you some of adventages and disadventages of having google Adsense ads on your website.
I think article is interesting and informative.

You may have seen "sponsored by Gooooogle" on many websites that you've looked at. This is Google AdSense - a simple way for website owners to display Google Ads on their website and earn money for each advert clicked on. Ads are targetted to the content of the page they are displayed on, so visitors to your page are more likely to want to follow those adverts. You can also use Google Search linked into Adsense on your site, so when a visitor carries out a search, search-related ads are also shown.

Obviously the best way to make money from AdSense is to have a site with lots of content. And you're looking at the best method right now! Free reprint article directories such as this one are a fantastic source of fresh content for your website, and simple to insert. Just a few articles a week soon builds up into a huge targetted-content website.


(1) Adverts are targetted to each page so you know the adverts will be related to your content.

(2) You make money per advert clicked on.

(3) Anyone with a website of "reasonable content" can join the AdSense Program.

(4) Google gives you the code and plenty of customisation options (ad sizes and colours), making it really easy to put AdSense on your website.

(5) Free to generate new content – just leave the resource boxes hyperlinked and intact.


(1) You can only prevent adverts from specific websites from being displayed – not prevent a category from showing. If you want to eliminate competitors, or have a medical advice site, manually removing each competitor or "miracle cure" website can be a time-consuming and ongoing problem.

(2) Do not get involved in click fraud – once Google has identified you as a perpetrator, you will never be a friend of Google again!

Author of this article is Emma Kalson

How Do You Find A Great Affordable Internet Web Hosting Service ?

In the past, all you needed to do to find an affordable internet web hosting service was just to read reviews from web hosting reviewers. But that is not the case any more! The fact is that most web hosts are no longer living up to expectations. There are two factors that you must consider before choosing an affordable internet web hosting service. These factors will determine if an affordable internet web hosting service is great or not.

Here are two factors that you must consider:

1. Traffic volume: There are some web hosts that will place restrictions on the traffic volume that your website receives – a great affordable internet web hosting service wouldn’t do this. A great affordable internet web hosting service will give you enough space to receive the highest amount of traffic that your website will get. A great affordable internet web hosting service will even go to the extent of resetting your traffic volume per month so that the traffic volume will not keep piling up which will eventually eat up your traffic volume space.

2. Content restrictions: A great affordable internet web hosting service will allow you to publish anything on your website as long as it does not violate their policies. For instance, a great affordable internet web hosting service will allow you to publish images or pictures, and broadcast sounds or videos (some web hosts won’t allow you to do this).

Finding a great affordable internet web hosting service is now easier than you think. Use what you’ve learnt in this article.

Author of this article is Sam Ayodeji. Sam has helped countless individuals to choose the right web hosting services for their various needs.

Do You Need An HTML Form?

If you have an internet business, adding a simple HTML form to your website, such as a feedback form or a contact form, can be a tough task. For those who are new to programming, creating a simple form for your website can be difficult.

If you do not have a contact form and you need to immediately provide a way for your visitors to contact you, then you should simply post your email address on your Contact page. However, if you want to create a sophisticated online form to collect information from your visitors and respond to their questions, you will need some help.

Installing the HTML form on your website is the easy part. If you are not familiar with how to create the code for a form, there are many different online tutorials that can teach you how to create the code. After that, you will need to create a file that will process your form after someone fills it out and send the answers to you via email. The code used to process an HTML form is often referred to as Formmail. Formmail is written in a programming language called PHP, which is more advanced than HTML. There are many websites where you can download the Formmail file for free. Formmail has been used to process and email the results of web forms since 1997.

When you download Formmail, make sure it has code that prevents spam from being sent through your HTML form. There are many different versions of Formmail floating around the internet, and some have built-in spam protection while others do not. Many times, inexperienced programmers will put a form on their website that does not include code to at least try to prevent spammers from utilizing the form to send spam to hundreds or even thousands of people. As a result, those who have been spammed complain to their internet service provider, who then directs the complaint to the hosting company that handles your website. This can be a huge problem.

Another problem with Formmail is sometimes it works with certain web hosting companies and not with others. Formmail is written in the PHP programming language, and sometimes certain web hosting companies have certain versions of PHP running on their servers that are not compatible with certain versions of Formmail. In addition, some web hosting companies do not allow the websites they host to use Formmail to process their forms due to the risk of spam being sent through unprotected Formmail files, which can crash a server if too much spam is sent at once.

If you do not have the patience to create a form yourself, there are more than a few form creation tutorials on the internet that provide a simple way for you to create a form without doing any programming. There are also third-party HTML form services that will help you create the form and process it for you on their own servers.

I hope this information will help you decide how you want to get an HTML form up and running on your website. If you do not have the patience to do the work, use an outside service that creates the form for you. If you want to learn to do it on your own, then try creating your form with the help of some online tutorials. Either way, it is important to have an online form so that people have a way to contact you directly through your website.

Author of this article is Jim Pretin. He is the owner of, a service that helps programmers make free HTML forms.

Using Ready-Made Templates To Build Your Websites

This interesting articles explains advantages of using website templates for your online business.

If you’re doing business in China, you will need to learn Chinese. If you’re doing business in Japan, you would need to learn Japanese. If you’re doing business in Italy, you would need to learn Italian.

What language, then, would you need to learn when you’re doing business online?

Why, the language of the Internet of course! HTML, Hyper Text Markup Language. HTML is a series of codes and commands that would help you craft an intricate system to convey your business message throughout the entire virtual world. If you want to embellish your forum posts, you would need HTML. If you want to build products that would provide solutions for web users, you would need HTML. If you want to create fantastic innovations that can be carried out through the World Wide Web, you would need HTML.

But HTML is most important in one aspect of the online game, particularly in Internet marketing: website design. You would need some knowledge about HTML if you are to build a website that would attract the attention of online users and project a sense of professionalism and class that would make it easier for them to trust your business.

Seeing as how your website would serve as your online business’ digital store on the Internet, it is very important that you come up with a clean, organized and effective design. Much is at stake at how you will present your website. Hence, a modicum of knowledge about HTML would usually be insufficient in preparing a website built for business.

You could always hire a freelancer to create a website for you, of course. But outsourcing seldom comes cheap. Often, you would have to shell out a lot of cash just to ensure high quality work. And sometimes, what will be delivered would be contrary to your expectations. Also, miscommunication and disagreements with the freelancer should also be factored in. All of these combined would be enough to give anyone some genuine headaches.

So what are you to do if you don’t know jack about HTML and if you’re too hesitant to try outsourcing? Should you settle on doing business without a website?

Fret not, dear friend. There is another option you could take. You could always resort to ready-made website templates.

Ready-made website templates are ready-to-use website designs that usually come in .htm or .html file formats along with the accompanying objects therein. With these templates, all you have to do is to personalize them to suit the identity as well as the needs of your business, upload them on a web server, and they’ll be ready for all the World Wide World to see. Indeed, with website templates, it’s that simple.

There are a lot of website templates available on the Internet. There is always one which would be perfect for your business. And if the choices aren’t amenable for you, you could always mix and match and features and objects of different templates to come up with a design that you would feel would perfectly represent your online enterprise.

Website templates are the easiest ways to come up with your own website. The past two years saw a boom in the number of websites on the Internet. This is because of the effects brought by the Google AdSense program. A lot of people earn their keeps by creating countless mini-sites about different niches. You must bear in mind that it would be physically impossible for one NETrepreneur to create that many websites.

The need for fast, convenient, and highly effective websites has also spiked the demand for website templates. More and more are slowly learning their value in the field of online business.

Internet marketing is all about time, after all. In this industry, time is gold and every second counts. If you feel you don’t have the time to learn the language of the web, then you might as well avail of the many, many benefits of instant website templates.

Author of this article is Bob Bastian. Bob is a successful Internet entrepreneur and a prominent info product creator. His latest website distributes quality private label content for free:

Free Business Website Template 009

New free business website template is availabl for download.
This template is very simple and easy to customize. It can be used for various projects.
Download this SEO Friendly Business Website Template for free and use as you wish. Only thing I ask is to leave link back to this blog in the footer area of the template intact.
It is 100% XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS Valid template, has two columns, rounded corners, header, footer and horisontal and vertical navigation bars.
Click here to download this free css template.

Mistakes To Avoid When Using Web Templates

In this article explains you how to avoid mistakes when choosing and using website template.

Website templates are very affordable and they save you a lot of effort and time when you want to create a new layout for your website. However, a lot of people make mistakes in the process of choosing and using a web template and end up with something that was unlike the image they had in mind. Here are some guidelines to help you avoid those mistakes.

The first obvious mistake you should be aware of is using a template that is very popular. If many people use the same template, your website will not appear unique at all and your credibility as a solid, different website will be tarnished. In other words, you will appear generic just like your next-door neighbours.

To whole point of using a web template is to save time and effort. You just change the title and appropriate details and you're done. The biggest mistake one makes is to customize the template beyond recognition. While that may be good in the sense that you're creating a unique graphic, you're defying the very purpose of using a web template -- saving time and effort. However, on the opposite side, if a template you purchase is suitable but some changes must be made to suit your site's theme, then you will have to take some time to make the changes. For example, you can find a very nice template that suits your hobby site except the original designer has put an image of stamps in the header. You can find images of garden plants and spades to replace the stamps for your gardening hobby site. However, do only make the necessary changes and don't redesign the whole template. In some circumstances, some people simply make the wrong choice of templates. This is a very subjective issue but you have to be careful in selecting templates to suit your audience. Do not choose templates just because they are pretty, choose them because they serve your purpose.

Make a Professional and Attractive Website With Templates

This aericle explains step by step what to do with templates to make attractive and professional website.

Internet users will spend 3-5 seconds at a website before deciding to either stay, or try elsewhere. Take heed of this fact and realize that a website with great content can still be left behind without a professional, attractive look.

Unfortunately, designing and coding a great website isn’t always easy; it requires a good deal of creativity and knowledge, which a lot of us just don’t have. Web design companies can charge per hour, more than many people make in a day for just this reason. But there are other options, and this is where website templates come in. They allow you to take advantage of

other people’s creativity and expertise while paying a fraction of what you would (around $50). However, this drastic price cut does come with some strings attached, and you will need to do a few basic things to get your template-based website ready for prime time.


Your first task with a template will be to insert your content and format it properly. Take a look at the template and your content side by side and determine what should go where, and on which page (homepage, contact, about us, etc.). Then, open up one page (.htm or .html file) at a time in your favorite text editor, and copy and paste in your content. Make sure to save the file with .htm or .html as the extension and take a look in a browser. It probably won’t look perfect at first, so try playing around with paragraph length and font-size. You can do this by adding a simple font size style into your paragraph tags. You’ll also need to change the text of the links (also known as anchor text) in the navigation to reflect the flow of your website. If you’ve never worked with HTML or CSS, this step may take you a few hours, but this is a trade-off you should be a little more willing to make after spending $50 for a professionally designed website.

Image Editing

After you’re done adding content there is still work to do. Even if you get lucky and you’re happy with the look and images your template comes with, you should think about replacing them with your own. One of the unfortunate facts about web templates is that their purchase carries no copyright, and therefore many websites can use the same ones. So, changing colors, and replacing images can prevent your website from being almost identical to a competitor’s. Assuming you purchased a template to save money, buying an expensive image editing program would defeat the purpose. So, unless you already own an image editing suite like Adobe Photoshop, try out GIMP (, a free, open source image editing program that offers most of the same capabilities. At this point a few really simple changes can make a world of difference. Web templates often make wide use of stock photos, so find an image that relates more closely to your content, make it the same size as the one it’s replacing, and your website will have a whole new feel. Editing the color of the background, and changing the color of navigational buttons are two more changes that are quick, easy, and give your website a new look.

Web Hosting

The last thing you’ll need to do is find a domain name, and web host to get your site online. There are thousands of web hosting companies online, and the vast majority of them will offer domain name registration. Make sure to look for one with an easy application to upload your files, high bandwidth, and e-mail addresses included. Go check one out, and get your professional, attractive website online quickly, easily, and for a fraction of the price your competitors.

Chris Lexmond runs Step by Step Websites - Make Your Own Websites which helps users create a professional, affordable website by offering comparisons of web services such as templates, web hosting, stock photos, and search engine optimization.
